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Friday, November 15, 2013

Crack Smoking Mayor: “I’m not going anywhere”

CNN Headline – 11/14/13

Toronto, CANADA – Roughly a month after admitting to the world that he has smoked crack-cocaine, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford confirmed suspicions Wednesday that he has no plans to do much of anything at all anytime soon, including leaving his apartment.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Ford said via an AOL videochat from his couch at home. “I’m not doing anything, I’m not planning anything, and, after this, I’m not talking to anyone for awhile; a month or two at least. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Hell, I might even smoke crack again.”

While Ford’s statements might seem confusing to Americans, it’s a political strategy Canadians are all too familiar with. As it is written in the Fourth Law of Canada: “No man shall be removed from any elected position, unless by the King of Canada himself and even then only on Leap Day or the Spring Equinox.” So Ford has until at least March 20 to sit on his ass and play GTA; but his removal from office even then is questionable, considering the Canadian King has been Yeti hunting in the Yukon and unreachable for the past four months.

Ford denies that his unflappable job security is the driving force behind his decision to make no decisions. “The fact that the King is off doing his royal duty protecting our great nation from another Yeti attack making it basically impossible to, like, get fired, eh, isn’t why I'm hanging out at home all the time, eh,” Ford explains. “Sure, it’s definitely a perk of being Toronto Mayor, but the real reason is it’s pretty sweet just sitting around playing Call of Duty all day instead of going to meetings about budget, or schools, or like poverty or something? Wait, do we have poverty? You know what, eh, I don’t care.”

Asked if his crack smoking experience has factored into his inactivity, Ford began to get emotional. “Have you ever smoked crack, eh?” he asked, his voice shaking. “Heck no, I bet ya haven't. Well let me tell ya, it’s F’ing great. It’s like wrapping yourself in beaver pelts and pouring maple syrup all over yourself while an Eskimo jerks ya off, eh. When you do that, ya sure don’t feel like listening to French fellas drink tea, or whatever, and whine aboot national security, or whatever, eh. I just tell ‘em, “Let the Mounties ride moose and no one’ll mess with us, eh. Not the Mexicans, not the Alaskans, not even the Taliban, eh. But they don’t listen, so I smoke crack and it’s F’ing beautiful.”

This mindset might not fly in most countries, but Ford doesn’t think his participation in government – or lack thereof – affects the country in any way. “Canada’s fine, eh. I mean, I don’t have the numbers in front of me, eh, so I’m just spitballin’ here, but I think as a nation we’re something like 93% white; and if you count the Eskimos we’re up to about 98%. So, not to be racist or anything, eh, but when you look at it that way the Canada pretty much runs itself.”

Despite his extremely racist philosophy regarding domestic policy, Ford admits the 2% (according to his “statistics”) minority population is still essential in a functional Canada. “Minorities are absolutely necessary,” the Mayor explains. “I mean, I’ve never bought crack from a white guy.”

-Pete Higgins

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